Here you'll find...

...a place for my mental and artistic doodlings with some bold and blatant marketing of the latter, eg, I'd be delighted if you'd drop by my shop on Etsy to see if the jewellery there might tickle your fancy or the fancy of someone you care to tickle.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

hit me again with your funny stick, mister

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
by Jonathan Safran Foer

Sure, there’s a fine line between quirky and affected. Plunk. That’s the sound of JSF’s writing falling on the side of quirky.

Gimmicky and derivative? Aw, there ain’t nuthin’ new under the sun anyways, so why not plate up some delectable favourites? And besides, who doesn’t want to share the cohesive ramblings of a clever and quick mind? Tell me there’s a more gratifying experience than immersing yourself in a heady balance of wit, pith and hilarity.

What? What’s that you say? Michiko and Harry don’t agree? As far as I can figure, Michiko just doesn’t get it, and Harry’s got a pickle up his artistic sensibilities.

Maybe JSF is laughing all the way to the bank, but I’m trundling along beside him pulling a 20 out of my pocket saying, “Hit me again with your funny stick, mister.”

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